Evil Comes from Lack of Care

When I was unlawfully jailed in NY, I met a man who said he was told, the Truth doesn’t matter, the facts don’t count, because nobody cares ♡ I said that is a lie, the Truth is all that matters, the facts do count, because I care ♡ So he told me his story, of how he came to be in jail, his family put him there ♡ I was hoping that perhaps you care as well, the Sheriff of Preston County helped get me there and with God’s help I was able to serve♡ But back home, nobody seemed to care ♡ Not enough even to hear the story ♡♡♡ Oh, by the way my family helped the Sheriff as well and they weren’t even aware ♡ Sad but True, call me when you have time 💙

♡Well, well, it’s been awhile since my last Post♡

As I ponder on what is going on in the world; it appears the sense of chaos is increasing ♡

Talk of the need for people to wake up from the illusion being presented as reality and face reality and the need to prepare ourselves for the task at hand. In hopes that we can make a difference for some good to be accomplished in spite of the obvious difficulties ♡

I for one recognize the wisdom of rejecting the spirit of fear, which only serves to limit one’s potential to do what can be done ♡

Anyone who believes that the goal is to save the world, clearly does not understand the times or the signs of the times in which they exist or live, depending of course on their present perspective, how they see things ♡

One perspective is that of illusion, which produces delusional thinking which is incapable of rendering good decisions, from sound judgment, increasing the level of confusion and adding to the chaos ♡ The other is based on reality, which produces clarity of thought, the hope of good decisions, sound judgment and illuminates the way out of the confusion that is overwhelming those stuck in the mire of worldly thinking ♡

So you see my beloved reader, personal or individual outcomes are truly the product of one’s perspective. How one perceives what the thunder is going on, so to speak, and those who see clearly are defined by their lack of fear, their sense of purpose and their ability to produce good outcomes in the midst of chaos ♡

It is written, “You will know them by their fruits”; so you might ask yourself, what is my perspective producing?

Are you and those around you content with the product of your perspectives; if so you should be at peace and have no need to change ♡ A simple test may be in order: are you and your’s able to remain calm as others become increasingly agitated in the world around you? I’ve heard it said, “it is a rare man who can keep his head, while those around him are losing their’s”, funny how people come up with such curious and interesting sayings, to describe what they think ♡

So do you perceive yourself as being that rare person, able to pass the test when tried? If so try not to be amazed if people, in light of these troubled times, are being drawn to you, instead you may want to consider you have found your purpose for being and how blessed is that♡

I have come to understand, that the hardest thing on one with a servant spirit is not to have others to serve and my understanding comes from personal experience ♡ Not knowing what my future may hold, I choose to have hope that my purpose will be revealed and I shall patiently wait, for time alone will tell♡

Well then, I started this little post of mine, with an expression of a possibility. I will test the waters, so to speak and decide whether or not to throw my hat in the ring, as they say, I believe I’m prepared and will see if others agree. I think I have an advantage as I have no fear in spite of these troubled times.

That’s about all I have to say, for the moment!

Have a truly blessed day and every day hereafter, remembering that our choices have a bearing on our outcomes.

In Sincere Love, Michael

5/19/23 @09:31


I am led to share more of my experiences as a result of the dysfunction now being experienced in the world: the root of which is in the family and what the Word of God has to say to enlighten our understanding.

So every one who acknowledges Me before men, I also will acknowledge before My Father Who is in Heaven; but whosoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father Who is in Heaven.   Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a Sword.   For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household.  (Mathew 10:32>36 RSV)  (Ref. Matthew 10:1>42, 5:17>48, 18:15>22, Mark 13:1>37, Luke 6:46, 1stCorinthians 6:1>20, James 4:11, 4:1>17, John 14:26, 14:1>31, Matthew 7:20, 7:12>29, Romans 8:23, Galatians 5:22, Ephesians 5:9, James 1:23>25, Revelation 22:11)

I will focus on sharing my understanding of the text from the Word I sighted, however I have made references for a reason, which I hope to will become clear.

So what of Matthew 10:32>36 :       So everyone who acknowledges Me before men, I also will acknowledge before My Father Who is in Heaven, but whosoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father Who is in Heaven.   1.(In order to acknowledge someone or something, you must first understand who or what is being represented)2.(Only those who know and accept; Jesus the Word of God as a man, the teacher, the Christ, the Lord and King, the Son of God; Who reveals the Will of God the Father to His children, can in truth acknowledge Him and to do less is denial)

Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.   I have not come to bring peace, but a Sword. 1.(Though it was announced that He came to establish peace and good will toward mankind, it remained up to the individual to receive or reject what He offered)2.(The Sword of the Spirit; which is the Word of God; will make the division between those who accept Him and those who reject Him, and the offer He represents)3.(This division is the root cause of the dysfunction that I speak about; in the family, the community, the state, the country and the world of mankind)

For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 1.(Though it is God’s desire that mankind be drawn together in cooperation and the bond of Love[Those who choose the Way of Life, are called to Love one another equally to themselves, as they enter the Kingdom not of the world]; the ruler of the world, desires those who serve him to be involved in competition and hatred [loving self above others] of the other, which is at the root of dysfunction 2.(This is the Spiritual Warfare, that of opposing influences, spirits, that sets one against the other)

And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. 1.(The indwelling Spirit of God in the Heart of mankind, is and always has been; in opposition to the indwelling spirit of the world in the heart of mankind) 2.(In the Eyes of God, every individual will be seen and judged according to the spirit, the influences, they have received to rule their heart’s, which directs their words and actions, without exception, and it is the Spirit or the spirit that divides mankind)

The Kingdom of heaven on earth is where those who accept the Kingship of the Christ, their Lord; and though in the world, are no longer of the world, who await the return of their King; whom they now serve in His absence, coming to take possession of His Kingdom.  Even where those who await the Kingdom of God; yet to be established, now reside, in it is where all division will have been abolished and harmony reigns.   Those who experience it now in the Kingdom of heaven on earth, have the Promise of their Dwelling being prepared for Eternity.

This is within the understanding that I have been given in which I now put my trust and faith, and thus far I have received nothing that admits doubt.

My perspective, the way I now see things, comes from my path of becoming and being sanctified, through the process of becoming Spiritually matured; the path of the Narrow Way.   Consider: Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word Is Truth. (John 17:17 KJV) (Ref. John 17:13>26, John 10:36, 17:19, Acts 20:32, 26:18, Romans 15:16, 1st Corinthians 1:2, 6:11, 7:14, 1st Timothy 4:5, 2nd Timothy 2:21, Hebrews 2:11, 10:10, 10:14, 10:29 and Jude 1:1>2, 1:1>25)

And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 1.(the spirit of competition, threatened the bond of Love that Christ was seeking to instill among those who were to become His brethren and was dealt with instantly and appropriately)   But Jesus called them to Him and said, you know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 2.(in the world there are those who are esteemed to be above others)   It Shall Not Be So Among you; but whosoever would be great among you Must Be your Servant, 3.(the servant has been prepared to understand how one is to serve the body of Christ)   and whosoever would be first among you Must Be your Slave; 4.(the slave serves as directed without questioning one’s duty, without regard to ease or difficulty in humility)   even as the Son of man came not to be served but to Serve, and to Give His Life as a ransom for many. 5.(Christ came to Serve and willingly accepted the role of a Slave, which was His Duty) (Matthew 20:24>28 RSV) (Ref. Matthew 20:20>28, Mark 10:45)

To those who have come to Faith, our Heavenly Father sets each member of the Body of Christ where they best serve His purpose; Christ the Head (the Mind and the Heart of the Body) and all others in the capacity for which He has prepared them to serve. (Ref. Matthew 20:23, 1st Corinthians 12:1>27, 20:28>31)

In the hope that I have properly laid the foundation from God’s Word sufficient to enlighten the point I wish to make. I will do my best, considering the possibility that my experience in some way will relate to others.

Earlier I shared that I payed attention to my father and the role he had in the dynamics of his family and community. As one who had received the servant spirit, he was content to serve others. My mother and my siblings, by degree, were content to be served by my father, as their provider and in truth were not always satisfied with the level of his provision. From my perspective, my mother acted in some ways as though he was a slave, not sufficiently fulfilling his duty to her and her children. So he labored to fulfill unrealistic wants, born of a false standard of needs and could never do enough to satisfy. Although my father got less help than he deserved, he appreciated what help he got from his family and his community. As a result my father was respected and loved, less than he deserved. Such are the dynamics of a dysfunctional family and world; where the Spirit of Love and the spirit of the world are in competition against the other.

I received the servant spirit from my father, as I saw that it is the key to the good life, knowing that my father loved me. I and all who recognized him for what he was, respected and loved him deeply. I believe for him that was enough to sustain him, though in this world he experienced disappointment. So must all who seek and find the better Way of cooperation providing mutual benefit, the Kingdom of heaven on earth. As opposed to those content with the way of world of competition, the world of successful winners, those they allow to survive not thrive and the often despised unfortunate ones thought to be losers, time will tell.

Well it is written for a reason: a house divided can not stand, because love and hate are incompatible and to remain divided is a choice, but it is not the only choice. To believe less in the end will prove to be unwise, as it is the path that leads to futility.

So beloved reader I believe that is enough to ponder for now. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise too high I will endeavor to proceed to chapter 5. Until then my Hope is that you have a truly blessed day and every day hereafter.

In Sincere Love, Michael

December 12th, 2022 @ 20:29


When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. (Isaiah 43:2 ESV) (Ref. Isaiah 43:1>13)  This is the promise of God the Father; spoken through His Son, the Word of God and delivered to His Faithfully Obedient children, by His servant Isaiah whom He Chose.   A thought came to mind about the fire and the flame part!   Consider Daniel’s friends when their faith was tested; now some would have to be there to believe, I am not among them.  (Ref. Daniel 3:15>30 RSV or any translation you may prefer)

The Promises of God are irrevocable and go forth now to His Faithful children whom He called out from among the Gentiles.   Let those who have ears that hear, hear and be comforted.

This too, is irrevocable from God Who deserves and only desires the Respect owed to the Father Who Loves: Remember this and stand firm, recall to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old; for I Am God, and there is no other; I Am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the End from the Beginning and from the Ancient Times things not yet done, saying,  My Counsel Shall Stand, and I Will Accomplish All My Purpose,… (Isaiah 46:8>10)(Ref. Isaiah 46:1>13 ESV)

God is the God of Promises; not the god of idle threats.   Which brings to mind a hymn, Standing on the Promises.  We are now in the time when the distractions of the world makes it possible to listen even to that which is sacred and not comprehend if they have become relevant in our experience.   This is dangerous ground and most people remain unaware.

Something that puzzled me, was when I witnessed the use of the 23rd Psalm as part of what I have come to understand as the funeral ritual traditional within some religions, when a person has passed on.   It didn’t seem appropriate to me if it was being applied as if it was related to what one experiences after death.    It took me awhile to understand why I was puzzled and what I have come to understand the 23rd Psalm means.   David, a man after God’s own heart, understood what his Words meant when he spoke them.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. (My protector and provider) He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. (He provides a place of rest and nourishment to strengthen me for my sojourn in this world, the sheepfold)  He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His Names Sake. (It is He, not I that completes my being, my soul; so as to walk the Path of Righteousness; as a demonstration of the Power of God, the Power of Love)  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your Rod and Your Staff, They comfort me. (Though our journey, threw this world where temptation to sin and death surrounds us, we have no reason to fear the evil, when His Presence is with and in us.  The Rod of Correction is His Word and His Staff is the Promise of His Protection, which is Sufficient to Comfort) (my understanding from verses 1>4 NASB) (Ref. Psalm 23:1>6)

Psalm 23: is for the here and now, for all who seek to walk by Faith and succeed by rejecting all that causes any doubt in the sufficiency of God’s Power to Deliver.   As a young boy David’s faith gave him the confidence to protect his father’s sheep without fear.  As a young man David’s faith gave him the confidence to face Goliath without fear, when an army of full grown men were being debilitated by fear.   As a man David’s faith was so strong that under the threat of death from king Saul, he was Obedient to God’s Commands and dflived to become King after Saul had been slain by his enemies or perhaps at his own hand.   Because he remained in the Path of Righteousness, knowing that in obedience to God, his strength resided.  And he too learned obedience through the things he suffered through the firey trials of this life.   Having been given Faith that prevented him from being consumed, he was able to break through to the other side.  (Ref. Psalm 119:45>108)

Back for a moment to my experience in the troubled times, to which we were born.   I was raised in a dysfunctional family and as a child I didn’t have a clue.   Mainly because most and perhaps all families were dysfunctional by degree.   I couldn’t understand the why of it, because I lacked the insight required.   However, I no longer believe that to be the case, so I will attempt to explain.

My mother’s father passed when she was eight years old and that trauma affected her perspective in life.   She had two older brothers, the oldest became an alcoholic and the younger experienced the trauma of war.  Her mother, my grandmother, persevered and she provided for her family at home as a baker and seamstress.  Using her talents in service to those who became her customers and friends.   She was respected and appreciated in her community and it was the power of love that sustained her.

Though she never lacked the necessities of life, my mother thought she was poor compared to other children she knew and that also affected her perspective.   When my mother had her own family, seven children in all, she didn’t want us to appear to be poor and my father, at times, in fact most of the time, struggled to maintain her standard.  But his love for his family and his faith, gave him the strength to persevere.   We never lacked anything and had far more than we needed. He carried the burden and I never heard him complain, but it was a source of tension between he and my mother.   Tension is a source of dysfunction, and it exacts a toll against harmony.

My father’s mother passed when he was twelve years old and he loved her deeply.   She was a teacher and became ill, so she home schooled my father and he took care of her.  Therefore, he had a far better education than public schools have ever provided.   It was the love of his mother, his teacher, and that love formed his perspective, his faith; that had the power to sustain him.   When his mother died, his father shipped him off to his half sister in New York state and that helped form his perspective, throughout the firey trials that was his life.  When my dad was seventeen he joined the Navy during World War Two.   He and my mother married during that time and my oldest sister was born while they were separated by war.   Just another trauma, a firey trial, that affected the dysfunction in our family as war effects most people who live through it.  War breaks the normal perspectives of what gives family its strength.   Often broken men return having been trained to be followers, less manly and more effeminate, no longer leaders and the women were forced to bear the responsibility of family without their husband’s, rendering them more manly and less feminine.    The trauma of war changed the family dynamic and society continues to reap the whirlwind.

The war did not break my father, it broke society and added to the firey trials he faced.   The trauma of war, an induring cost of war, has not been understood or addressed, so the devastation continues.   War had turned the responsibility of head of the household into a competition and families became a house divided.

Broken men were often all too willing to deny their responsibility and wives began to be said to wear the pants in the family.   Men who knew and accepted their responsibility were often labeled tyrants, who dominated their families and communities.   When labels are based on opinion they still have potential to harm, even when they lack the slightest grain of Truth.   One thing is for certain, since World War Two the foundation of society, the family, has been shaken and the rate of divorce continues to soar.

The Lord has defined the role of men and women in the world we now experience.   Those who know, understand and accept their individual responsibility have always been blessed.   This is and has always been true: a godly man is a blessing to his wife, his children and his community; a godly woman is a blessing to her husband, her children and to her community.   To drift away from the standard of godliness is what destroys the oneness of the family and our oneness with God; those who believe that must be ever diligent to act upon it; in resistance to the spirit of the ungodly.

To sum it up for now: out of all my family I was the only one who truly wanted to be like my dad, so I payed attention to him.   He lived his time in loving service to others.    His reward was that he was loved and respected by all who knew him, even briefly and that helped to sustain him.   Sadly in this world, oftentimes those who could and should have known us best, have missed the Mark.   This may or may not have been partly our fault.   Thankfully; God has taken the responsibility of keeping our scorecard, which frees us up to do our best.

When he passed, I believed that I was the closest thing to my dad remaining in this realm, I still believe it.

My father’s example was a high bar to strive for and I did my best. When I reached the point in my life that an even higher bar was before me, I had been prepared to do my best and persevere. In the end, I’ll learn how I’ve done, so shall we all.

Enough for now of my experiences, we’ve all had our own: I must get back to the work of sharing what I’ve learned along my journey.

I have noticed that most people struggle to understand and apply, the First, and Second of God’s Great Commandments, and most think it impossible to obey a Third.

God’s Commands are not suggestions; by their nature they are meant to be understood, received and obeyed by those who desire to obtain in full His blessings. This is True: always has been and always will be!

The First: And He said to him, You Shall Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, and with all your Soul, and with all your mind. (Mathew 22:37 RSV) (Ref. Mathew 22:34>40, Mark 12:28 & Ephesians 6:2)

I experienced difficulty in coming to an understanding of what this meant and I’ll borrow a quote from Will Rogers, drawing from my memory so it might not be his exact words, but I trust you will get the drift of the meaning. It’s not what you know that’s the problem, it’s what you know that ain’t so. That problem has been a reoccurring problem in my quest for understanding. So I’ve learned to look to God’s Word for deliverance. The Soul was fairly easy; And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life; and man became a Living Soul. (Genesis 2:7 KJV) (Ref. Genesis 2:4>9 & 2 Timothy 3:16 [consider how God breathed and inspiration are related])

Now the theory that is promoted, of Adam being the first of mankind also caused me a problem; but Lord willing I will address that issue at a later time. What caused me greater difficulty was the issue of the difference between Heart and mind. From the perspective of the world of science, the heart of man is related to the organ in our chest responsible for pumping blood. So how do I believe in my heart; or out of the abundance of my heart my mouth speaks. Though some people direct their hand over their chest as an indicator of where their believing heart resides. That simply made no sense to me. It was only later in my journey that the Light bulb moment came to me with the answer.

Remember that I said; I may be slow, but my dad trained me so as not to be stupid. It turns out that our brain is divided into two hemispheres each having their specific purpose and that they are connected by a small pathway for the purpose of communication. The left side is our mind, dedicated to carrying out the intentions of the Right side; by our words and actions. The right side is our Heart, dedicated to directing our mind to put into action the intentions of our heart, be that as they may, depending on the influence [spirit] it has been willing to receive. When our hearts are in harmony with the Spirit of God, it directs our mind to put into practice the good that is pleasing to God. When our hearts are influenced more by the spirit of the world, no matter how well intentioned the individual may be, their actions fall short of being pleasing to God. Therein lies the rub and the warning not to be deceived into thinking we can serve two masters. All mankind is given the right to choose; however no one is given the right not to choose, the Master/master whom they have chosen to serve. The day will come and is already here, because on the day of judgment, our decision will be revealed no matter what the world may think of us, only what God has to say of us will matter. Enough said for now, however I remain open for questions!

The Second: And the Second is Like It, You Shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Mathew 22:39 RSV) (Ref. Luke 10:25>37) So the question was asked, who is my neighbor? Is my neighbor the people who live close to me, yet love me less [hate me], not being at all concerned about my well-being, no not at all, perhaps they, in truth, would be better described as my enemy. In the sight of God and His enlightened children, your neighbor, is anyone so inclined to render aid in the time of your distress and offer relief whatever the cost, expecting nothing in return. That is my understanding of what being a neighbor requires, however everyone remains free to have a differing opinion. Therefore, for this reason I have simply chosen the one that suits me best.

The Third, if you will allow me to make my point: But I Say Unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven: for He maketh His Sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. (Mathew 5:44>45 KJV) (Ref. Matthew 5:38>48 In your preferred version, Luke 6:27,6:35 & Romans 11:28)

Now for my understanding of the 3rd which I mentioned, remembering that for the child of God, it is a command, not a suggestion. As a child of God, we are not to follow the way of obstanance, but to become mature in our Faith so as to be prepared to obey God’s Commands. As we grow closer to the Mind of Christ, every command becomes clear and easy enough to obey if we are willing. So what does God’s Word reveal in regard to the Mind of Christ and the True Light that fully illuminates. Well this is the understanding that I have been given: It is the Desire of God to be in friendly relation with all of mankind. Jesus came in the flesh as an example of what True friendship requires and for those who accept His requirements He said that He would not be ashamed to call them his Brethren. Therefore, though anyone who chooses to regard me as their enemy and act upon it. I will not wish them any ill, nor will I will I withhold my kindness if they lack the necessities of life, not being so arrogant as to refuse my efforts. Now to the worldly minded of mankind, this may appear to be foolishness, however, the Wisdom of God often appears as foolishness to mankind. So if my enemy treats me unkind and I respond in kind, it stands to reason that I would lessen the chance of ever being considered a friend. If not and I follow the godly example, I can remain hopeful of my enemy having a change of heart. I for one prefer to remain hopeful, as I believe that is the path of the godly.

Well beloved readers, on that note I will conclude chapter 3, that seems to be quite enough to ponder. Lord willing I will continue to chapter 4. My hope is that what I share is Sufficient to overcome the short attention span the world would have us adopt, I’m doing my best.

Until then have a truly blessed day and every day hereafter!

In Sincere Love, Michael

December 4th, 2022 @ 15:37 Updated with minor changes: December 10th, 2022 @ 12:19


When I was a child the world was a confusing place and I was not satisfied with being confused.  To the degree that I was exposed to religion, I found no relief in it to overcome my confusion.  I was blessed in that my father’s influence kept me from being overwhelmed, because I trusted in him. He never gave me reason to doubt in his trustworthiness.

I recognize that in a confused and confusing world, when the Light of Truth had been obscured, people have to do the best they can.  When I failed to do what was right, it was not because my father had failed to teach me a standard between right and wrong and the standard he gave me served me well as long as I payed attention.

Even though in my youth I was sometimes slow, my dad did his best to make sure I wasn’t stupid.  I’m glad that he recognized it was his responsibility and that at least he took it seriously.

Though my dad had taken on enormous responsibility willingly, it was not only his family’s needs that held his focus. He genuinely cared for us, he truly loved us, however he accepted the additional burden of caring for others.

But when I became a man, with the responsibility that goes with it, I began to have doubts of my being up to the task.  I now recognize that this doubt, was my first crisis of faith.  For those who have not figured out the potential blessedness of crisis, it can be overwhelming.  Crisis is, as it is intended to be, a powerfully effective motivating force if you don’t panic.  Even if you do panic, if you don’t give up, panic only slows down your path to relief from the present distress. If one cares enough, they possess the power to resist giving up in spite of any challenge. I learned to care deeply because my dad demonstrated it. Well enough about my experience for the moment, I must get back to sharing what I have been given.

I have come to understand, that Faith accomplishes where religion only attempts.

I have heard it said that the devil is in the details. However, it is more important to realize that God is discovered through paying attention to the details that originate from God, being revealed through His Word, His beloved Son, along with those who receive Him and become in Truth children of God.

Consider: That was the True Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came to His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, But of God. (John 1:9>13 KJV) (ref. John 1:1>18, Revelation 9:10>16) The True Light, which gives Light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own people did not receive Him. But to all who did Receive, who Believed in His Name, He gave the Right to Become children of God, who were Born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, But of God. (John 1:9>13 ESV)

Now for the curious who wonder the point of my quoting the same verses from two different translations I will explain my purpose. The KJV is recognized as difficult to understand because it is written in language unfamiliar today. The ESV is said to be more easily understood because it’s language is modern, more familiar. I have found that difficulty causes those who desire Understanding to increase their effort, it does not however prevent them from perceiving. On the other hand, no matter how easy the path to Understanding may become, it does not guarantee success.

Understanding is the gift of God for those who are willing, to do the right thing, for the right reason and in the Right Spirit, excluding all others.

There are many snares along every man’s journey to a mature, enduring Faith, which can hold one captive until released. Pride is one such snare. If we hold one translation of God’s Word as superior to others because we have been led to choose it as our own. It can cause us to assume we have an advantage over those who have been led to choose another and can become a matter of pride. And it is written for a reason that, A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honor shall uphold the Humble in Spirit. (Proverbs 29:23 KJV) Those who are brought low through pride will find it difficult to rise again and for some, through pride, it will become impossible.

Again it is written: But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6 NASB) If we believe by Faith, that God preserves His Word for those who seek Him, then we must accept that God leads us to the Word that will give us Understanding, this I believe.

It is the Spirit Who gives Life, the flesh is no help at all. The Words that I have Spoken to you are Spirit and Life. (John 6:63 ESV)

John brought the Baptism of Repentance to prepare the way to having ears capable of hearing and eyes capable of seeing, The Light of Truth. The Baptism of the Spirit came only to those willing and able to Receive the Word, It becoming a part of themselves and allowing the Spirit to bring to their Rememberance the Word as their Guide to the Life of God’s beloved children. To this point in the Gospel According to John: the name of the son of man, Jesus was not mentioned, rather it was by His Name from the beginning, the living and abiding, Word of God.

Again Consider: And He was clothed in a vesture dipped in Blood: and His Name is Called The Word of God. (Revelation 19:13) That is His Name. And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a Name written, KING OF Kings, AND LORD OF Lords. (Revelation 19:16) That is His Title.

If one finds it difficult knowing the meaning of words, I have found Noah Websters 1828 Dictionary of the English Language to be a valuable resource. If the meaning escapes us, how can we hope to gain Understanding.

In order to contrast, between religion and Faith, I offer this example. Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with Him. (Ref. Matthew 16:1>12 ESV, NASV, or KJV) Jesus answered him, Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless one is Born Again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born? Jesus answered, Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless one is Born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is Born of the Spirit is Spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be Born Again. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is Born of the Spirit. Nicodemus said to Him, How can these things be? Jesus answered him, Are you a teacher of Israel and yet you do not Understand these things? (John 3:1>10 ESV)

Now Nicodemus was as devoutly religious as his peers, but unlike most he noticed Jesus and sought Him out at night, so as not to be exposed to those inclined to totally reject Him. Yet in spite of all his religious training, he was still incapable of understanding what He was meaning. So religion having failed, how is it that Faith accomplishes. Since Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, what does the Word say so that the willing can Understand. John came Baptizing in water. (Matthew 3:1>12) (Ref. Romans 6:1>14, Colossians 2:1>23) So then, the the old man had to first die and be buried in water, in order for the new man to be raised out of the water being Born Again, as new born babies, with ears prepared to begin to Hear, Understand and Obey the Word of God that has come into the world. Without faith to believe that, no-one can proceed, as it is the first step of faith.

Now having been prepared, our hearts having been purified by requiring the old man to die, along with all his opinions, so that we may truly become a new creation in Christ. Then and only then can we proceed to being Born of the Spirit which comes from God, by hearing, receiving, and in subjection obeying His Word, the Christ, the Lord of those willing to Believe Him.

Remember beloved it is written: “Without Faith it is impossible to please God” and it is only in becoming pleasing to God that we can have the Hope of entering into His Kingdom. The rebellious and unbelieving, because of their own choices, have excluded themselves.

With that I will conclude chapter 2 of this my book and Lord willing I will proceed to the work of chapter 3. For those who have been led to consider my writings and believe in the possibility that God has chosen me to serve His purpose, in this our time I say: Have a truly blessed day and every day hereafter, which covers all ground. The Lord has provided the Way, now the rest is up to us: by our choices in word and deed we define ourselves before God.

In Sincere Love, Michael

November 28, 2022 @ 07:44

☆Michael the Pearldropper☆1☆

Pearldropper is a job description, not a title.

A young man told me that I was a pearldropper with this explanation, you drop pearls of wisdom, hoping that someone will notice and receive a benefit.  This came at a time when the encouragement of others was hard to find.  So this man was a blessing in the difficult times in which we all find ourselves.  I accepted his assessment of me and I strive to live up to the standard which it demands.

It remains up to those who choose to get to know me, through my words and actions, to determine for themselves if they believe me to be wise or foolish.

If we accept that in order to determine between the wise and the foolish we must first agree on a standard for basing our decisions.  I suggest that “Truth” should be the only reasonable standard and if we agree, “Truth” should be definable to our satisfaction.

For my part, I submit the “Word of God” to be the standard, as the foundation of all that is True and the just judge over what is wise or what is foolish.

To what purpose am I compelled to write?  I am compelled to write out of a sincere desire to be wise enough to fulfill God’s purpose for my life.  In the hope that those who share this desire will be drawn together and help one another in our quest.  Circumstances in my life, have led me to believe that this is a reasonable path to pursue.

In the way of expectations; as for me, I will choose my words carefully and will respectfully consider all responses to what I share.  With the hope that I will be offered the same respect.   I will do my best to make statements that reflect what is being said or written in the Name of God, and defend them as being wise or foolish.  I will also put forth things that people say in the name of their own opinions and defend them as being wise or foolish.  I say defend; knowing that most people assume their opinions are wise from their own perspective, yet often prove to be unwise.

Because I don’t want to be misunderstood, I do not believe that I am superior to anyone,  as any understanding of what is True that we have has been given to us because we sought and seek understanding.  Though mankind is capable of understanding; not all are willing to seek, find and receive understanding.  Many have knowledge; but few have understanding.  I write in the hope that I receive from and be a benefit to others seeking wisdom.

So consider understanding as the gift bestowed upon those who follow the Path that leads to it.

  Although I have been accused of being close minded, nothing could be farther from the truth.  I have simply chosen the standard by which I wish to be judged and to inform my judgment.

I hope that what I have written so far, will serve as a sufficient introduction to attract the curious seekers of wisdom to join me on this quest.  I look forward to your contributions and will begin to do my part.

Paul, the Apostle and servant of Christ; documented in Romans: As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable, there is none that doeth good, no, not one. (Romans 3:10>12 KJV) (Ref. Isaiah 41:26 and contrast 57:1 ASV)  Those with understanding recognize that in the history of mankind; some groups have become so depraved that this was true of them,without being true of all mankind.

The Truth is always true in regard to the object it addresses.   Those who lack understanding will find they have missed the Mark.  Those who receive this principle, so it can be held, in applying it will be blessed.

While many who are among the religious, who claim to believe in the one true God, have knowledge of what is written, yet few have understanding.  Anyone who considers the number of religious people in light of the present circumstances, who does not recognize that something is amiss in religion, would have to be foolish in some degree.

Many have been led to believe that though they know they are not righteous, God will judge them to be righteous because they believe in Jesus as the Christ.  Using what Paul said to justify their own unrighteousness, believing that mankind is incapable of attaining to perfect righteousness.  Such a belief is addressed in scripture, thinking themselves to be wise, they became as fools instead.

I have come to believe and understand this principle as true; The Truth rings true, to those who seek the Truth with pure intentions.

Those who lack pure intentions, find because of their impure desire, the Truth remains obscure, they remain Spiritually blind and deaf.

So what then is an indication of pure intentions. Consider: for godly sorrow worketh Repentance to Salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. (2 Corinthians 7:10 KJV) If we realize that we have failed to meet the standard that God requires of His children because we remained immature in understanding. Godly sorrow causes us to accept correction and change our behavior. Not being willing to continue failing, after being made aware of our failure. So, Godly sorrow is a precursor in the Way of Salvation and lights the way to mature Faith among the righteous.

So mature Faith is the result of accepting correction and being transformed by changes it requires. (Ref. 1 Corinthians 4:14 through 2 Corinthians 7:12)

While the sorrow of the world regrets the consequences of error, but does not result in the change of ungodly behaviors.

Those who are merely religious, choose from the Word of God, verses that defend their closely held beliefs and use the scripture as a weapon against those who dare to disagree with them.  They prefer argument to conversation, while they refuse to consider and receive anything their supposed opponent might have to offer.  They desire respect, while they refuse to respect others. This is the approach of the carnally minded, who remain among the unwise. This makes clear the attitude of the religious leaders and those who believed them, in rejecting Christ and those who believe and follow Him. (Ref. Romans 7:1>25 & 8:1>39)

While the Spiritually minded accepts that they should follow the example of the Spiritually minded. (Romans 8:5>9 KJV) As, when being tempted by the devil, Jesus used the Word to determine his response.  For example: when the tempter came to Him, he said, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.  But He answered and said, it is written, Man Shall Not Live by bread alone, but by Every Word  that Proceedeth Out of the Mouth of God.  (Mathew 4:4 KJV)

Consider the wisdom in the example of Christ: the devil, Satan, the deceiver of mankind and the father of all who follow his example, demanded the Son of God to prove himself, He did not argue.  Rather He spoke the Truth and Satan was forced to take another tactic until he gave up.  So He left an example for all who claim to be children of God.  For those who wish to follow His example, we would be wise to know, understand and receive as the guide for how to conduct ourselves, every Word that proceeds out of His mouth.  As it is written: I and My Father are One. (John 10:27>30)

Many who have received the doctrines of religion as well some who acknowledge the doctrines but don’t receive them say: no one can be perfectly righteous, there is only one who is perfectly righteous, referring to God or Jesus the Christ.  So they adopt a belief, that while they remain unrighteous or sinful, they can escape the consequences. They say they are saved by God’s grace. Grace often being described as unconditional love. The problem, arises because with God there has never been any such concept. Therefore, those who hold to the concept are unwise. To them the one who seeks to be righteous has set for themselves an impossible standard, which would be foolish. This choice renders them incapable of following the path which leads to righteousness, the Narrow Way of Life. To them, anyone who lays claim to Righteousness is a liar and deceives themselves.

If it were impossible: Why then would Christ command: be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect. (Mathew5:48)  While giving instructions as to what this perfection requires. (Ref. Matthew 5:1 through 7:29)

Religion lowers the standard required to truly be a child of God.  To whatever degree required to attract and maintain a following and becomes blind leaders of the blind.  This is not approved by God and was warned against by Jesus the Christ, the Word of God.

So then; if religion has missed the Mark by failing to accomplish the purpose of God’s Word, to turn mankind back to Righteousness.  It is the opinion of some, that this is an indication that God has failed.  Again opinion is the result of a lack of understanding.  The purpose of God’s Word is to Provide the Way, for those who desire to know God as their Father and to be known as His children, the opportunity for their desire to be realized.  While those who lack this sincere desire can never know God, nor can they be counted among His children.

Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher, wrote quite a long time ago, “God is dead and we have killed Him.”  Nietzsche had a problem with the religious and perhaps especially Christianity and wrote prolifically as to why he, in his opinion, was wiser than his contemporaries.

Even though The Word of God reveals that God is eternal without beginning or end.

Nietzsche was highly regarded by many of the world in his time and some even continue to this day. While in his time, he was plagued with infirmities and ended his days in madness and alone.

Though Nietzsche’s opinions were foolish, they were not born of ignorance.  He was confused by the obvious hypocrisy of the religious, while attributing religion as being the result of God’s influence, God’s Spirit.  Hypocrisy as well as opinions are the product of mankind’s rejection of God’s influence, His Spirit, being revealed through His Word, as if God does not exist.  To the hypocrite and the opinionated, God might as well not exist. Those who have understanding, having grown in wisdom, know this to be True and it is not beyond the comprehension of a child.

For those so inclined to hold fast to their opinions, I say beware, lest you find yourself suffering as Nietzsche and those who choose to travel the same path.  I for one found it profitable to sacrifice my opinions, so that I would have the open mind required to seek the Truth instead.

When I was yet a babe in Christ, I was in Beckley, WV, in an independent Baptist church one Sunday morning. The preacher read from the Book of Ezekiel and spoke these words: son of man, I have made thee a Watchman unto the house of Israel: when I Say unto the wicked, thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

Again, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. (Ezekiel 3:17>21 KJV) (Ref. Ezekiel 3:1>21, Hebrews10:26 & Hebrews 10:1>39, James 4:17 & 4:1>17)

I can’t say that I remember what this preacher went on to say, but I took the Word to heart. It took me some time to understand fully the responsibility of God’s servants to his fellow man, but having understood I accepted my responsibility. Anyone who believes that God requires less of his children under Christ’s New Covenant than the Old, does not yet understand what Christ came to offer. Christ taught that God requires more not less. (Ex. Matthew 5:21>22) (Ref. Matthew 5:17>48)

I have believed for quite some time that God was preparing me to serve as a Watchman over the Gentiles in our time. So that those who are willing to hear and obey the Lord are fully prepared to endure what is ahead.

For anyone who might choose to wonder, what right do I have to say and do as I do in the Name of the Lord, and by what authority. I can only say search the scripture for it speaks of one prepared by God to serve His Purpose in this present time of trouble.

I am, just Michael, called, prepared and chosen by God through Christ, to serve as a Pastor and Teacher.

As a Pastor, I call for the Gathering of Kindred Spirits so that we prepare ourselves to fulfill our purpose in the Body of Christ. As a Teacher, I illuminate the Word of Life according to the example of my Lord. I will faithfully serve all that the Spirit of God draws to gather with me. I do not demand anyone’s respect, I only hope that I will be given the opportunity to earn it, as the Lord earned the respect He deserved. I am not called to argue, but I invite questions and am not offended when challenged.

The Lord willing, I will continue to share what I have been given, both in writing and when possible face to face.

I will continue to follow up with ☆Michael☆2☆, 3, ect.